“Reynir Graphics” started as a mere thought in late 2008 under the name “PeaceOfMind: RG Designs”. However, it didn’t officially begin its climb toward being a full-fledged freelance company until 2009. With the projects I was asked to do for my high school, and my internship with a music venue in Southern Vermont (802 Music), I felt everything was starting to fall in place. By the time I graduated in 2011, it felt as though “PeaceOfMind”‘ did as well.
Since I was growing up, it was time that “PeaceOfMind” had as well. In November, 2011, it had its first name change: “Ryan Gottschalk Designs”. Even though I didn’t have much experience under my belt at the time, that didn’t stop “Ryan Gottschalk Designs” from taking on all sorts of projects. Even though I, and “Ryan Gottschalk Desgins“, was doing well for myself, it still felt as if the company needed something. In mid-2013, I brought it back to the drawing boards to see how I could help satisfy that feeling; I spent many months trying new names and new logo ideas. So by the time 2013 came to a close, “Reynir Graphics” stepped into the spotlight, and has kept the name since. After standing on its own for 4 years, I felt it was in need of a much deserved face-lift. I made no changes to the core of ‘Reynir Graphics‘ or how we’ve been operating, just an update in style to further show how not only I, but ‘Reynir Graphics’, have been growing and to showcase what it has became – a rejuvenated Graphic and Web Design firm focused on getting my clients the design work, site building, and all around graphical experience that they need.