My name is Rowan Gottschalk. I’m a Capricorn, I like long walks through the forest, I don’t like coconut, and most importantly, in 2014, I earned my Associate’s Degree in Graphics, Multimedia, and Web Design from New England Institute of Technology.
To get where I am now in life, I’ve had to go through my fair share of changes. I’ve moved up and down the East coast, I’ve made incredible friends, I’ve accomplished great things, and I’ve grown as a person. Throughout it all though, one thing has been constant ever since I was a kid. I love art. Ever since I was just a kid, I’ve loved to draw and color. As I grew up, I was filling up sketch books and making piles of single sheets covered with quick doodles. No matter how old I got, or will get, one thing will never change: if I have the chance to create, I will.
But the days of doodling in high school note books and in the back of playbooks during drama club are behind me. Once I graduated from Springfield High School (in Springfield, Vermont) I moved back to Lincoln, Rhode Island and started to attend the Community College of Rhode Island. The time I’ve spent at New England Institute of Technology earning my degree has been incredible, and even though that chapter of my life has ended, there’s still a very large portion of the book left that’s ready to be read.